
48 members of the National Committee
President: dr. Sonja Ifko
Vice presidents: Tatjana Adamič and mag. Marko Stokin
General secretary: Marija Režek Kambič
Treasurer: Borut Šantej

Members of the Board: Tatjana Adamič, dr. Sonja Ifko, mag. Nataša Jurgec Gurnick, Jon Grobovšek, Jovo Grobovšek, Irena Potočnik, Marija Režek Kambič, mag. Marko Stokin, mag. Borut Šantej, mag. Gojko Zupan

Honorary president: Jovo Grobovšek

Members are involved in the following ISCs:
ICLAFI: dr. Jelka Pirkovič, mag. Borut Šantej
CIAV: dr. Borut Juvanec
ISCMP: dr. Blaž Šeme
ICUCH: dr. Andrej Gaspari
20C ISC: Tatjana Adamič, dr. Sonja Ifko
ISCARSAH: Nataša Gurnick Jurgec

ICOMOS Slovenia representatives in working groups:
Sustainable Development: Marija Režek Kambič
Emerging Professionals: Anja Vintar
Climate Change and Heritage: Tatjana Adamič
Our Common Dignity Initiative – Rights-based approaches in cultural heritage network: Dr. Jelka Pirkovič

ICOMOS Slovenia collaborates with:
– Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO
– Republic of Slovenia, Ministry of Culture
– Institute for the protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
– University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture
– TICCIH Slovenia
– Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia
– Museum of Architecture and Design

Activities of ICOMOS Slovenia/Regional meeting 2019

(Skupno 313 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)