
The ICOMOS Slovenia and the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Slovenia are organizing in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana and with the support of Ministry of Culture of Slovenia and the Bled Cultural Institute the 3rd International Symposium on Cultural Heritage and Legal Issues. The symposium organized in European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 will be dedicated to the management of cultural heritage sites and will take place in Bled between the 20th and 22nd September 2018.

Three main themes will be discussed at the symposium: Legal and administrative bases of management of the cultural heritage sites, Approaches and policies – good practices and challenges, and Cultural tourism and management of cultural heritage. We will discuss various problems within the framework of the mentioned themes and in particular the challenges of the management of world heritage sites under the
auspices of UNESCO.

As already written by Donald Insall: “Good planning is just good management”, both instruments are indeed of major importance for successful protection and active life of cultural heritage sites. A careful and interdisciplinary planning of development activities which considers the significant features of heritage is needed to develops its economic potentials in balance with its potential as tourist opportunities. The symposium will therefore give the broader professional public, as well as everyone who is interested in heritage management, an insight, presented by recognised foreign and domestic lecturers, into the various treatments, methods of work and forms of

The symposium deals with several themes of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018, #EuropeForCulture: Common heritage: cultural heritage belongs to us all; Heritage for everyone: promoting societal innovations as well as the collaboration of people and communities; and Tourism and Heritage: responsible and sustainable tourism with cultural heritage

Invited speakers 
Leading experts will be invited to deliver keynote lectures.

Scientific committee
Dr. Sonja Ifko, Slovenia, chair
Helen Kendrick, UK
Jernej Hudolin, Slovenia
Dr. Robert Peskar, Slovenia
Dr. Jelka Pirkovič, Slovenia
Dr. Katharina Zanier, Slovenia
Mag. Gojko Zupan, Slovenia

Organizing committee
Mag. Marko Stokin, chair
Marija Režek Kambič, Biserka Ribnikar-Vasle,
Mag. Borut Šantej, Irena Potočnik, Januš Jerončič,
Tajda Senica, Nejc Dolinar, Anja Vintar

Symposium topics
A. Legal and administrative bases of management of the cultural heritage sites
B. Approaches and policies – good practices and challenges
C. Cultural tourism and management of cultural heritage

Abstract submission
The aplication with the following content has to be submited by the 30 May 2018:
– selected topic (A, B or C)
– title
– abstract in English (max 300 words)
– name and surname of the author(s), institution
– contact info
E-mail for abstracts submission:

The scientific committee will review and select the abstracts for oral presentation or poster. Upon that the authors will receive detailed guidelines when and how to submit a full paper.

Symposium proceedings
Conference abstacts will be published in printed and electronic form.

Selected authors will be invited by the scientific committee to publish their papers in “Monographic Publication of ICOMOS Slovenia 3”.

Working language: the official language of the symposium (for both oral and written contributions) are Slovenian and English.

Symposium venue
Festivalna dvorana Bled, Cesta svobode 11, Bled.

The nearest hotels to the symposium venue are Astoria, Krim, Jelovica and Park.
We recomend you to make your reservation soon enough!

Will be open from May 1st 2018 on

Symposium fee until July 15th 2018

€ 100
€ 50 for participants from SE Europe non-EU member states
€ 55 for members of ICOMOS Slovenia
€ 25 for students
from July 16th € 130
from July 16th € 65
from July 16th € 70
from July 16th € 35

The fee covers Symposium material, refreshments during coffee breaks, welcome reception and farewell dinner.

The symposium organisers
ICOMOS Slovenia
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia

Organized under the honorary patronage of Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO.

In cooperation with
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana
Zavod za kulturo Bled / Bled Cultural Institute

Important dates:
First call for abstracts: March 2018
Registration from: May the 1st 2018
Abstracts submission: May the 30th 2018
Notes on abstract acceptance: June the 30th 2018
Registration fee payment deadline: August the 20th 2018
Final programme: September the 1st 2018
Symposium Bled: 20th – 22th of September 2018


Brochure (pdf)

Registration form (doc)



(Skupno 132 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)