The 5th International Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS Slovenia

Heritage and community: the opportunities and challenges of cultural tourism

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 19–21 September 2024

Hybrid event: Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana + Zoom

5. Mednarodni znanstveni simpozij ICOMOS Slovenija

Dediščina in skupnost: priložnosti in izzivi kulturnega turizma

Programme* / program*
*Central European Time (CET)
Programme/program pdf

19 September 2024
Ljubljana Castle, Palacij Hall
Ljubljanski grad, dvorana Palacij

16:00  Registration / registracija

17:00  Welcome speeches / pozdravni nagovori

Sonja Ifko, President of NC ICOMOS Slovenia / predsednica ICOMOS Slovenija

Jernej Hudolin, General Director, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia / generalni direktor Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije

Tadeja Zupančič, Vice-Dean of Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana / prodekanja Fakultete za arhitekturo Univerze v Ljubljani

Špela Spanžel, Director-General, Cultural Heritage Directorate, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Slovenia / direktorica Direktorata za kulturno dediščino, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS

Gašper Hrastelj, Secretary General of Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO / generalni sekretar Slovenske nacionalne komisije za UNESCO

Opening address / slavnostni nagovor

Riin Alatalu, ICOMOS Vice-President / podpredsednica organizacije ICOMOS

18:00 Ljubljana Castle guided tour / voden ogled Ljubljanskega gradu

19:00 Banquet reception / pogostitev in druženje

20:00 End of the day one / zaključek prvega dne

20 September 2024

Faculty of Architecture UL, Vurnikova hall + Zoom
Fakulteta za arhitekturo UL Vurnikova predavalnica + Zoom

Opening of the Zoom meeting / odprtje Zoom povezave
Registration / registracija

9. 00 Keynote lecture / osrednje predavanje

Celia Martínez Yáñez, University of Granada, ICOMOS ICTC Vice-President, ICOMOS Board Member

The ICOMOS International Charter for Cultural Heritage Tourism 2022: aspirations and potential to transform tourism
Mednarodna listina ICOMOS o kulturnodediščinskem turizmu 2022: prizadevanja in potencial za preoblikovanje turizma

Discussion / razprava

Topic: I. Protection of cultural heritage and community rights – the foundations of cultural heritage tourism development
Tema: I. Varstvo kulturne dediščine in pravice skupnosti – temelja razvoja kulturnodediščinskega turizma

Chair / vodja: Riin Alatalu

9.45 Riin Alata, Estonia / Estonija
The role of the protection of cultural heritage and community rights as the foundations for the development of cultural heritage tourism
Vloga varstva kulturne dediščine in pravice skupnosti kot temeljev za razvoj kulturnodediščinskega turizma

10. 00 Anica Draganić, Maria Siladji, Serbia / Srbija
Inclusive Heritage Discourse: experiences of the RAIL4V4+V project
Vključujoč dediščinski diskurz: izkušnje iz projekta RAIL4V4+V

10.10 Jasna Fakin Bajec, Slovenia /Slovenia
Opportunities and obstacles for the inclusion of heritage communities in cultural tourism products
Priložnosti in ovire za vključevanje dediščinskih skupnosti v proizvode kulturnega turizma

10.20 Gabriella Howell, Antigua & Barbuda / Antigva in Barbuda
Ground-up community involvement in the restoration and museum development of Government House in Antigua & Barbuda
Temeljno vključevanje skupnosti v obnovo in muzejski razvoj vladne stavbe v Antigvi in Barbudi

10.30 Katarina Juriševič, Massimo Medeot, Slovenia /Slovenija
The valorisation of cultural and natural heritage of Slovenian Čičarija through sustainable tourism
Vrednotenje kulturne in naravne dediščine slovenske Čičarije skozi trajnostni turizem

10.40 Meta Kutin, Slovenia /Slovenija

Preventing urban dementia – empowering older people to identify, protect and develop their meaningful places
Preprečevanje urbane demence – opolnomočenje starejših za prepoznavanje, zaščito in razvoj njihovih pomenljivih krajev

10.50 Vesna Pajić, Slovenia /Slovenija
Adaptive reuse of the historic built environment – an accelerator of new cultural and tourism practices
Prilagojena ponovna raba historičnega grajenega okolja – spodbujevalec novih kulturnih in turističnih praks

11.00 Coffee break / odmor za kavo

11.30 Giovanna Pellecchia, Italy / Italija
Protecting our roots, growing our future: the importance of local community and emotions in cultural heritage conservation
Varujemo svoje korenine in razvijamo svojo prihodnost: pomen lokalne skupnosti in čustev pri ohranjanju kulturne dediščine

11.40 Yatin Singhal, India / Indija
Balancing heritage preservation and community empowerment at Ked Shaktidham, Rajasthan, India
Usklajevanje med ohranjanjem dediščine in krepitvijo vloge skupnosti na območju Ked Shaktidham v indijskem Radžastanu

11.50 Blaž Šeme, Slovenia / Slovenija
Community involvement in visual art heritage preservation in public spaces
Sodelovanje skupnosti pri ohranjanju likovne dediščine v javnih prostorih

12.00 Maja Turnšek, Slovenia/ Slovenija
Role of destination development in cultural heritage tourism potentials of small towns in Slovenia: four HEI-TRANSFORM case studies
Vloga destinacijskega razvoja pri potencialih kulturnodediščinskega turizma v manjših slovenskih mestih: štiri študije primerov iz projekta HEI-TRANSFORM

12.10 Irena Weber, Slovenia/ Slovenia
Cultural tourism beyond the adjective – Which community? Whose heritage?
Kulturni turizem onkraj pridevnika – Katera skupnost? Čigava dediščina?

12.20 Discussion, summary of the topic I / kratka razprava, povzetek teme I

Topic: II. The pitfalls of touristification – how to overcome them?
Tema II: Pasti turistifikacije – kako jih premagati?

Chair / vodja: Celia Martínez Yáñez

12.40 Celia Martínez Yáñez, Spain / Španija
Introduction to the topic: The pitfalls of touristification – how to overcome them
Predstavitev teme: Pasti turistifikacije – kako jih premagati?

12.50 Iana Bilynets, Slovenia, Ukraine /Slovenija, Ukrajina
What is (war) heritage? Consuming places vs. remembrance in Ukraine
Kaj je (vojna) dediščina? Uporaba krajev in spominjanje v Ukrajini

13.00 Alenka Černelič Krošelj, Slovenia /Sovenija
Castles of Posavje – regional network, first decade: results, challenges, advantages and solutions
Gradovi Posavja – regionalna mreža, prvo desetletje: rezultati, izzivi, prednosti in rešitve

13.10 Hanan Fahed Najajreh, Palestine / Palestina
Birthplace of Jesus; a decade on the World Heritage List
Jezusovo rojstno mesto; desetletje na seznamu svetovne dediščine

13.20 Aida Idrizbegović Zgonić, Jasenka Čakarić, Bosna and Hercegovina / Bosna in Hercegovina
The pitfalls of touristification – Case study Baščaršija – Neo-pseudo orientalization and degradation of historical core of Sarajevo
Pasti turistifikacije – študija primera Baščaršije – Neo-psevdoorientalizacija in degradacija zgodovinskega jedra Sarajeva

13.30 Lunch break / odmor za kosilo

14.30 Tanja Hohnec, Slovenia / Slovenija
The pitfalls of touristification and the role of ethnology in the revitalization of cultural heritage
Pasti turistifikacije in vloga etnologije pri revitalizaciji kulturne dediščine

14.40 Sonja Ifko, Gaja Žgank, Slovenia / Slovenija
ICOMOS University Forum joint summer school 2024: on the future of cultural heritage tourism
Skupna poletna šola ICOMOS University Forum 2024: o prihodnosti kulturnodediščinskega turizma

14.50 Tadeja Jere Jakulin, Slovenia / Slovenija
Overcoming touristification: system dynamics modelling for cultural heritage sites
Premagovanje turistifikacije: modeliranje sistemske dinamike za območja kulturne dediščine

15.00 Discussion, summary of the topic II / razprava, povzetek teme II

15.20 Coffee break / odmor za kavo

Topic III: Cultural heritage tourism and the role of heritage labeling
Tema III: Pregled priložnosti in izzivov pri programih za popularizacijo dediščine

Chair / vodja : Iana Bylnets

15.40 Iana Bylnets, Maja Turnšek, Slovenia / Slovenija
Topic introduction: A review of opportunities and challenges of heritage popularization programmes
Predstavitev teme: Pregled priložnosti in izzivov pri programih za popularizacijo dediščine

15.50 Zrinka Barišić Marenić, Croatia / Hrvaška
Open House Zagreb 2023 – the initial festival dedicated to architecture and urban planning
Open House Zagreb 2023 – začetni festival, posvečen arhitekturi in urbanizmu

16.00 Mojca Štepic, Slovenia / Slovenija
Labelling of the Sitarjevec Mine: synergy of natural and cultural heritage
Znamčenje rudnika Sitarjevec: sinergija naravne in kulturne dediščine

16.10 Rineta Jashari, Sonja Ifko, Besim Gollopeni, Kosova, Slovenia / Kosovo, Slovenija
Peja Battery factory footprints: a journey towards urban regeneration
Sledi tovarne industrijskih baterij v mestu Peja: pot do urbane regeneracije

16.20 Aneja Rože Kravanja, dr. Jasna Potočnik Topler, Slovenia / Slovenija
Heritage Preservation is a Prerequisite for the Marketing of the Dragotin Kette Literary Route
Ohranjanje dediščine je predpogoj za trženje Kettejeve poti

16.30 Nejc Kovačič, Bernarda Županek, Slovenia / Slovenija
Something old, something new: modern branding of ancient history for Arheopark Emona
Nekaj starega, nekaj novega: sodobno znamčenje antične zgodovine za Arheopark Emona

16.40 Drejc Kokošar, Slovenia / Slovenija
Revitalizing industrial heritage: the transformative power of the European Capital of Culture for UNESCO site Idrija
Revitalizacija industrijske dediščine: preobrazbena moč Evropske prestolnice kulture za Idrijo kot Unescovo območje svetovne dediščine

16.50 Discussion, summary of the topic III / razprava, povzetek teme III

17.15 Symposium conclusions / zaključki simpozija

19.00 Dinner on the river Ljubljanica / večerja na Ljubljanici

21 September 2024:
Excursion / Ekskurzija

6:00 departure from Trg francoske revolucije, Ljubljana
odhod iz Ljubljane: Trg Francoske revolucije

  • Podzemlje Pece / Peca Underground by mine train
  • Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnik Nordung
  • The former upper monastery of the Žiče Charterhouse
  • Late lunch in Žiče / pozno kosilo v Žičah

19.00 Return to Ljubljana, farewell / vrnitev v Ljubljano, slovo
About the symposium

The fifth anniversary Scientific Symposium of ICOMOS Slovenia is dedicated to the role of local and especially heritage communities in facing the challenges involved in cultural heritage tourism.
This year, we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Venice Charter, which, as a fundamental document, has defined the development of the ICOMOS association and the protection of immovable cultural heritage practically worldwide. We are also on the threshold of the 20th anniversary of the Faro Convention, which highlights the multifaceted importance of heritage for society. In these circumstances, this International Symposium will address the topic that is proving to be a significant and often crucial developmental challenge in many local contexts. We will examine what cultural heritage tourism brings to the local environments as a development potential. Inappropriately managed cultural heritage tourism can contribute to the degradation of cultural heritage. Therefore, the tourism-related issues of social, ethical, cultural, environmental, and economic rights must be confronted and addressed holistically. In line with the objectives of the 2022 ICOMOS International Cultural Heritage Tourism Charter, it is essential to place the protection of cultural heritage and community rights in the centre of heritage tourism policies and projects, encourage stakeholder participation and participatory governance in cultural heritage and tourism, and ensure that cultural heritage and tourism management adheres to the sustainable development goals, focused primarily on maintaining the heritage and ensuring the equitable and inclusive development of local communities.

In the context of three thematic sections, the Symposium will address as many challenges faced while implementing the sustainable development policy for cultural heritage sites as possible.

The first thematic section will highlight the role of the protection of cultural heritage and community rights as the foundations for the development of cultural heritage tourism. In practice, the fact that well-preserved heritage is a prerequisite for heritage tourism is far too often neglected. Meanwhile, in local contexts, it is usually the heritage communities that bring together conservation interests and development opportunities through inclusive participation.

The second thematic section will address the issues of the pitfalls of touristification and how to overcome them, as identifying and analysing the challenges faced by local communities and managers is crucial. In this section, we will confront the diverse interests of all those involved in the processes of heritage protection and its development management. Identifying synergies and differences is essential for effective cooperation. Naturally, in this regard, everyone is most welcome to present examples of good practices.

The third thematic section, titled Cultural Heritage Tourism and the Role of Heritage Labeling, reviews the significance of various sorts of heritage and tourism product labeling. Contributions presenting the experience of sites that are part of the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, the European Heritage Label, the European Cultural Routes and others are very welcome, as inclusions on these lists, while recognising the importance of heritage, are also directly associated with their tourism potentials and often considered as tourism products or parts thereof. We will focus on the benefits and challenges that labeling means for sustainable and inclusive future development of local communities.

Introductory speaker
The introductory lecture will be given by Professor Dr Celia Martínez Yáñez, a member of the ICOMOS Board, Vice-President of the ICOMOS International Committee for Cultural Tourism, and coordinator of the latest ICOMOS International Charter on Cultural Heritage Tourism.

Scientific committee:
Dr Sonja Ifko, chair
Dr Iana Biylents
Dr Jasna Fakin Bajec
Dr Tanja Hohnec
Dr Ljubica Knežević Cvelbar
Dr Robert Peskar

Organising committee:
Nataša Gurnick Jurgec, chair
Damjana Pečnik
Marija Režek Kambič
Gaja Žgank

The topics of the Symposium:

I   Protection of cultural heritage and community rights – the foundations of cultural heritage tourism development
II  The pitfalls of touristification – how to overcome them?
III  Cultural heritage tourism and the role of heritage labeling

Submission of abstracts
Extended deadline for submitting abstracts is 10. July 2024.The deadline for the submission of applications with the required contents is 15. June 2024:
– the selected topic (I, II, III)
– title
– abstract in English (maximum 250 words)
– author’s name and surname, organisation
– contact information
E-mail for any further questions:

Language of the Symposium
The Symposium will be held in English.

Symposium proceedings
Until 30 June 2024, the Scientific Committee will review and select the summaries for presentations. Then, the authors will be given instructions for the presentations at the Symposium.

The abstracts s from the conference will be published in the book of abstracts in electronic and printed form.
The contributions presented at the Symposium will be published in the ICOMOS Slovenia 5 scientific monograph.

Excursion will be organized on 21 September 2024. We will visit three sites:
Podzemlje Pece by mine train
Center of Space Technologies Herman Potočnih Nordung
Former upper monastery of the Žiče Charterhouse, the Mies van der Rohe award finalist for 2024

Registration fee
EUR 140 for participants from the EU and the rest of the world / EUR 100 for ICOMOS members
EUR 100 for hybrid participation from the EU and the rest of the world / EUR 80 for ICOMOS members
EUR 80 for participants from the non-EU countries of Southeast Europe / EUR 60 for ICOMOS members
EUR 50 for hybrid participation from the non-EU countries of Southeast Europe / EUR 40 for ICOMOS members
EUR 30 for students / EUR 20 for hybrid participation

Symposium tour fee
EUR 70

Symposium organisers
ICOMOS Slovenija

Symposium co-organisers
Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
Institute for Sustainable Heritage, University of Ljubljana

In cooperation with
the Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana

The event is financially supported by
the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia
the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO

Important dates:

First call for summary submission: March 2024
Second call for summary submission: April 2024
Start of registration: 15 April 2024
Extended deadline for submitting abstracts is 10. July 2024. (Summary submission: 15 June 2024)
Notification of accepted submissions: 30 June 2024
End of registration: 15 September 2024
Programme finalisation: 5 September 2024
Symposium: 19–21 September 2024

Contact and information:

Links to the information about accommodation options in Ljubljana:

Registration is open until 15 September 2024 here.

Payment information:
Recipient Name and Address:
ICOMOS Slovenija, Poljanska 40, 1000 Ljubljana
Payment Reference: Symposium Fee
IBAN: SI56 6100 0001 3380 721
Bank Address: DELAVSKA HRANILNICA d.d., Miklošičeva 5, LJUBLJANA
Reference Number: 00 202405

Symposium flyer pdf

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