How to become a member of ICOMOS/SI?
ICOMOS is open to any individual actively engaged in the conservation of cultural heritage. All the members must be qualified in the field of conservation.
Membership Benefits:
- participation in an international professional network (expert meetings, professional worhshops, scientific exchange, tranning programmes)
- possibility of participating to the triennial ICOMOS General Assembly
- possibility of participating to the National and International Scientific activites
- free subscribtion to ICOMOS newsletter
- discounts on selected publications
- free or reduced admission to many heritage sutes and museums world-wide
- priority access to the services of the International Secretariat and the UNESCO-ICOMOS Documentation Centre
The principles and the obligations that the individual members of ICOMOS must respect are stated in the Ethical Commitment Statement International.
Types of Membership:
- Individual – Annual membership for the year 2010 was 55 euros. Youth membership under 30 Years was 35 euros.
- Honorary membership
- Institutional/under special request
(Skupno 203 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)