Title of our events  #praznujemodediščino2019
Two events under common title: Celebrating heritage 2019 / Praznujemo dediščino 2019

ICOMOS Slovenia with the support of Ministry of Culture
in cooperation with: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture, Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Institute for the Protection of Cultural heritage, Museum of Architecture and Design, and Association of Municipalities and Towns of Slovenia


1. Potentials of Slovenia’s Rural Heritage
Symposium with round table
The symposium will highlight the role of the heritage and its preservation in the ongoing processes of changing in the rural landscapes of Slovenia. The aim of this event is to share experiences of good practices and ongoing projects among the public, local authorities, and the interested stakeholders.
Faculty of Architecture, University of Ljubljana, Zoisova 12, Ljubljana
16 April 2019 at 10.00 am
More info:

2. We’re renovating!!!
Opening of the exhibition
The exhibition We’re renovating!!!, uses a set of past and present projects to highlight the importance of the cooperation needed to ensure that houses that have survived their original use can start living a new life. The exhibition presents renovated buildings in Slovenia, which are an indispensable part of the history of cities and towns and are the cornerstones of local or even national identity.
Museum of Architecture and Design, Grad Fuzine, Pot na Fuzine 2 Ljubljana
18 April 2019 at 7 pm
More info:

Official website: www.icomos.si
Leaflet & poster: attached


(Skupno 155 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)